Auto-generate models/types and web clients in the Angular app with OpenAPI Specification

I’ll provide you with a concise explanation of how to utilize the ng-openapi-gen
package within an Angular application to create types, models, and web clients. To illustrate this, I'll draw examples from my own project, the URL shortener. Below, you'll find the automatically generated models and services produced by ng-openapi-gen
I’ll try to brief you on how to generate the types/models & web clients using ng-openapi-gen package in the angular app. For reference, I’ll use the code from my url-shortener project. following are the auto-generated models & services using ng-openapi-gen.
#1: Setup
Create an angular app & install ng-openapi-gen package with the following command
npm i -g ng-openapi-gen
#2: Create an OpenAPI spec file (JSON/yml)
If your backend is ready & integrated with swagger/open API then you can easily get it from there else you will have to create your own spec file using openAPI docs. use swagger editor.
In my case, I had a project created in the dotnet core backend with Swagger integrated.

Refer to my spec file from the Url-Shortener project.
#3: Generate the models & web client API
Use ng-openapi-gen CLI command to generate models & web clients.
# use following command:
ng-openapi-gen --input <path-to-openapi-json> --output <angular-app-path>/src/app/api
# for example:
ng-openapi-gen --input src/app/core/api/template/swagger.json --output src/app/core/api
You’ll see something like the following in your directory structure/editor.

#4: Update config rootUrl
To update the rootUrl, include generated module in AppModule’s imports section (assuming AppModule is the default module) & pass your API url as config. (use environment file). Refer app.module.ts
ApiModule.forRoot({ rootUrl: environment.API_ENDPOINT })
#5: Create a Component & call REST endpoint using a service from API
import service from ~api/services/<your-service> in components &call the required method & subscribe to it. Refer service call from the component.
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